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Synod Protestant Reformed Churches 2007

Geplaatst: 14 jun 2007, 16:59
door Bert Mulder

Here the news so far:

Monday, June 11, 2007:

Synod convened on Monday, June 11, 2007 at the Trinity Protestant Reformed Church, Hudsonville, Michigan. Rev. Ronald Van Overloop, president of last year's Synod, preached a sermon on Romans 4:1-3 under the theme: "Keep the Unity of the Spirit." The auditorium was filled with representatives from many of the churches.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007:

Synod convened at 8:30 a.m. at the Trinity Protestant Reformed Church in Hudsonville, Michigan. Rev. Ron Van Overloop, president of Synod 2006, presided pro tem. He led synod with opening devotions, singing Psalter #55 and #187 and read from Titus 1:1-4 and led the delegates in opening prayer.

Synod was duly constituted with delegates from Classis East and Classis West. The four professors from our Seminary were also present to serve as advisors.

The Synod elected the new officers: Rev. J. Slopsema president, Rev. K. Koole, vice president, Rev. R. Smit 1st Clerk, and Rev. A. Brummel second clerk.

Mr. Nathan Langerak preached his required sermon. Nathan preached on Isaiah 43:1-4 "Fear Not Israel." His examination tomorrow morning will center around Dogmatics. On Thursday morning the remainder of the exam will take place. The sermon was approved and Synod approved proceeding with his examination. Synod approved both the exam schedule as set forth in the agenda and the graduation plans (with the time change of 8:00 p.m. Thursday.)

The following committees were appointed:

Committee 1:
Rev. VanOverloop, Rev. Kuiper; Elder Gys VanBaren, Elder Sid Miedema;
Advisor: Prof. Engelsma
Committee 2:
Rev. Koole, Rev. R. Miersma; Elder Jim VanOverloop, Elder Ron VanVoorthuysen; Advisor: Prof. Gritters.
Committee 3:
Rev. Haak, Rev. A. Brummel; Elder Jim Regnerus, Elder Pete VanDerSchaaf;
Advisor: Prof. R. Cammenga
Committee 4:
Rev. S. Key, Rev. R. Kleyn; Elder Gary Kaptein, Elder George DeJong; Advisor: Prof. Dykstra
Committee 5:
Rev. Slopsema, Rev. Smit; Elder Harry Langerak, Elder Fred Tolsma

Synod recessed around 11:30 a.m. so they could do their work.

(Extended Report of Rev. Rodney Kleyn to Trinity Congregation)


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Rev. Rodney Kleyn led in opening devotions. Synod sang Psalter Number 134. Rev. Kleyn led the synod in prayer.
Synod returned to the examination of Mr. Nathan Langerak. Mr. Langerak submitted to synod written exegesis on Ezekiel 36:25-28 and Titus 2:11-14, which will be examined by committees. These committees will present their recommendations to synod regarding the students’ written exegesis when the oral examination is completed on Thursday.
In the Wednesday morning session, Prof. Engelsma questioned the student according to the following schedule and times. Delegates were given the opportunity to ask questions after each section.

Introduction to Reformed Dogmatics - 20 minutes
Theology (doctrines of God) - 30 minutes
Anthropology (doctrines of man) - 30 minutes
Christology (doctrines of Christ) - 30 minutes
Soteriology (doctrines of salvation) - 30 minutes
Ecclesiology (doctrines of the church) - 30 minutes
Eschatology (doctrines of the last things) - 30 minutes

After completing this portion of their synodical examination, Mr. Langerak was dismissed for the day.

Synod began the treatment of other material in the agenda. Synod began dealing with the Contact Committee report. The highlight of the afternoon was the re-establishment of sister church relations with the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church of Northern Ireland. Mr. Ivan Reid, a deacon from the church, was present at synod. Mr. Reid was given advisory vote and addressed synod. He brought greetings from the council and congregation of CPRCNI and spoke concerning the work of Rev.Stewart, the congregation, the outreach, and their future building plans. He thanked the PRC for their assistance in the past and requested our continued support and prayers going forward. Rev. Slopsema, on behalf of synod, addressed Brother Reid expressing the joy of the PRC in re-establishing sister church relations with the CPRC NI. He expressed our prayers and blessings upon our new sister church and our joy in working together with them in the promotion of the truth.
At 5:00 p.m. synod adjourned for the day.

Geplaatst: 15 jun 2007, 16:51
door Bert Mulder
Overview of the business dealt with on Thursday:

Thursday, June 14

Synod reconvened at 8:30 a.m. and began its morning session with the singing of Psalter Number 383, with the reading of Deuteronomy 31:1-8, and with Rev. A. Brummel leading in prayer.

Synod resumed the oral examination of Mr. Nathan Langerak according to the following schedule:
Prof. Dykstra Examining in Church History 45 minutes
Prof. Gritters Examining in Church Polity 45 minutes
Prof. Engelsma Examining in O.T. History 45 minutes
Prof. Cammenga Examining in N.T. History 45 minutes

Synod recessed for lunch.

After another very delicious lunch, synod reconvened. For devotions, the delegates and visitors sang Psalter Number 349. Then, Rev. D. Kuiper read from Psalm 122 and led synod in prayer. Thereafter, Synod resumed the examination of the students with Rev. Slopsema examining the brother for 20 minutes in Practica.

Synod approved the written O.T. and N.T. translation and exegesis of the student. Synod then unanimously approved the synodical examination of Mr. Nathan Langerak and declared him a candidate for the ministry of the Word and Sacraments in the PRCA. He will be eligible for call on or after July 14, 2007. Rev. Slopsema, the chair of synod addressed pertinent remarks of thanksgiving to God for the new student and for our seminary. Synod sang the doxology “Praise God from Whom all blessings flow....” Rev. C. Haak offered a prayer of thanksgiving to our God. Following prayer, the delegates of synod, the professors of the Seminary, family and friends were given the opportunity to congratulate the brothers and their wives.

We give thanks to our God for providing for our churches well prepared and well trained men for the ministry of the Word and Sacraments of our Lord Jesus Christ. The examination showed evidence of the faithful labors of our Seminary professors in the preparation of men for the Gospel ministry in our churches.

Synod turned to the treatment of Domestic Missions and approved various recommendations regarding the work in Northern Ireland, Eastern Home Missions, and Western Home Missions. Synod adjourned for the day at 5:00 p.m. and will return to the work of the DMC regarding Sioux Falls, SD tomorrow, Lord willing.

The graduation ceremony of Mr. Langerak is scheduled for this evening at 8:00 p.m. at Trinity PRC

Geplaatst: 18 jun 2007, 16:54
door Bert Mulder
Friday, June 15

Synod reconvened at 8:30 a.m. with Rev. Koole leading synod in devotions.

Following devotions, synod returned to the treatment of matters concerning the Domestic Mission Committee: Synod approved financial support for our radio witness. Synod adopted the DMC’s recommendation that Article VI of the DMC’s Constitution be amended by eliding the third sentence and adding to the second sentence the following: “from a list of suitable candidates provided by the Mission Committee.” This means practically that the DMC will put together a list of minister candidates from which list the calling churches will make their nominations and call a missionary. This is the current practice of the Foreign Mission Committee.

Synod approved the reports of the synodical deputies.

Synod then turned to the work of the Contact Committee and approved their recommendations regarding the Myanmar Special Projects Fund. These funds will be made available to churches who take on the oversight of the work in Myanmar and India. In that connection, Synod received a letter from Hope Protestant Reformed Church in Walker, MI regarding the fact that their council has taken the decision to assist the Protestant Reformed Churches in Myanmar by providing them with spiritual guidance and instruction and by assisting them financially. Synod approved of Hope’s Council taking on this work with a view to helping the PRCM progress to the point that the Contact Committee should be involved on two grounds. First, Hope is willing to do this work. Second, that which the work requires (interaction on a more personal level, mentoring a pastor, and benevolence help) is not part of the work of the CC, according to its constitution.

Synod approved the support of three men from outside of our churches as they attend our Theological School. Mr. Martyn McGeown, a student from our sister church, the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church in Northern Ireland, is in his second year of our seminary. Mr. David Torlach, a student from the Evangelical Presbyterian Churches of Australia is also in his second year of our seminary. Finally, Mr. Vernon Ibe intends to attend our seminary this year from the Berean Protestant Reformed Church in the Philippines. A total of $62,500 was budgeted with $25,000 of that coming from what used to be called the ARTS fund. All of these funds are raised via free-will giving and are not included as part of the synodical budget.

Synod took up the matter of Foreign Missions, particularly the work in the Philippines. The Berean Protestant Reformed Church organized on November 20, 2006. Since Rev. Spriensma accepted the call to Kalamazoo and left the field, the Doon council has been busy calling another missionary to labor in the Philippines. Synod approved a motion to heartily thank Rev. Audred Spriensma, his wife Alva, and daughter Jessica for their faithful labors on behalf of the gospel of Jesus Christ on the mission field in the Philippines. Synod reminded the FMC to evaluate the relationship of the newly formed church to the PRCA and come to synod 2008 with a recommendation.

Synod then turned to the matter relating to the purchase of a church building in Pittsburgh, PA by the DMC and passed the motion that Synod declare that its standing committees are not empowered to buy or sell property without prior synodical approval, but that Synod approve the action of the DMC in this instance only because the action is completed. This was grounded on decisions of prior Synods, specifically in 1996,1997.

Continuing with the work of the DMC, synod approved the actions of the DMC in their preparation for establishing a new mission field in Sioux Falls, SD. A motion was made to thank Candidate Spronk and his family for their willingness to relocate and take up labors in Sioux Falls. Synod approved calling a 3rd missionary whose initial labors will be in Sioux Falls, SD. Edgerton PRC has been supervising the field and was approved to be the calling church for this mission field. Thanksgiving was expressed to God for giving us another field of labor.

Turning to the report of the Theological School Committee, synod admitted Nathan Decker, Brian Huizinga, and Jonathan Mahtani as students to our seminary for next school year. Mr. Vernan Ibe was also admitted as a special student from the Berean Protestant Reformed Church in the Philippines. Thanksgiving to God was expressed by the chairman as we paused to consider the gift that God has given us in both our current students and these new students. Student aid was approved for next year for our seminary students and provision was made for the upcoming internships in 2007 and 2008.

Synod approved the request of the TSC that Professor Engelsma labor for another year in our seminary. Synod, through its chairman, expressed thanksgiving to God for the 19 years of labour of Professor Engelsma in our seminary and his willingness to continue for another year. Synod also approved the request of the TSC and the faculty that Professor Barry Gritters be reappointed for another 3 years in our seminary. The practice of the TSC is to grant a four year appointment, then a three year appointment, and finally permanent tenure. The chair expressed gratitude to God for the excellent recommendation both in writing and that which was verbally expressed regarding Professor Gritter’s labors.

Synod will reconvene Monday morning at 8:30 a.m.

Geplaatst: 19 jun 2007, 16:33
door Bert Mulder
And the concluding day:

Monday, June 18

Synod began the day with devotions. Rev. R. Miersma led synod in singing Psalter Number 88; read Psalm 34:1-11 and opened in prayer.

Synod heard a letter of acceptance from Professor Gritters regarding the three year appointment that was previously approved by synod.

Synod then turned to the Board of Trustee’s report and approved the recommendations regarding some gifts given to the churches. Three estate gifts were received for the churches from the Rev. and Mrs. John Heys Estate for our Seminary, Domestic Missions, and Foreign Missions ($20,000); from an anonymous donor for our Seminary ($50,000); and, an unspecified gift from the Gertrude Hoeksema Estate ($43,899.10). The BOT recommended that the Gertrude Hoeksema Estate gift be divided between the Emeritus Fund and the Foreign Student Assistance Fund. Synod approved this division of the moneys on the grounds that these causes were among those suggested by the Trustee as being appropriate uses, based on his knowledge of his parents and their lifelong commitment to the PRCA and its various causes; and, the recommended funds both have needs to which synod has called special attention in recent years.

Synod treated some financial matters: emeritation support requests, subsidy requests from our smaller congregations, expenses for the meeting (totalled $6,112.18), and the 2007 budget, which was set at $823 per family for 2007 (a $73 or 9.8% increase over 2007).

Synod approved an exceptional financial request of Edgerton PRC to assist in the payment of her pastor, Rev. Lee’s remaining moving and immigration expenses from Singapore to the U.S.A.from the Needy Churches Fund ($15,190 estimated). Two grounds were given: There is precedence for the assistance of churches on subsidy with the immigration and moving expenses of their pastors. This will assist Edgerton PRC in their desire to remain free of yearly subsidy in the future.

Rev. Doug Kuiper brought two overtures to synod with the approval of his consistory and Classis West. The first overture asked synod to establish “a procedure for our consistories to follow when disciplining our baptized members.” The second overture asked synod to establish “a procedure for our consistories to follow when readmitting mature baptized members who were erased.” Synod decided to appoint a study committee to examine and review the overtures of Rev. Kuiper and bring recommendations to Synod 2008 on the ground that this matter is weighty, pertaining to one of the marks of the true church.

Synod treated the overture of Classis East regarding the decision of Synod 2006 in Articles 34, 36 pertaining to the instruction to Classis East to encourage Covenant PRC to disband. Synod declared that Synod 2006 erred in using a, b, c and f as grounds of its 2006 decision. Four grounds were given:

1.The first ground (a) asserts that Covenant PRC is not “a viable congregation with respect to its spiritual life,” because “four families and three individuals…cannot have an active, full congregational life.” This begs the question. Synod offers no proof for this assertion and we believe it should, especially since Classis East decided that it was a viable congregation.

2. The second ground (b) speaks of the “possibility” of future trouble, but a “possibility” cannot be a ground for disbanding. The presence of an excommunicated member who persists in attending worship services is not a ground for disbanding a church.

3.The third ground (c) for disbanding is the impossibility of a “diversified” consistory with “normal rotation.” In the case of the disbanding of Isabel, Pella, and Trinity (Houston) the issue was whether there were sufficient qualified men to serve in the offices, not whether there was the possibility of a rotation.

4. The sixth ground (f) is the fact that the amount of subsidy given to Covenant has increased on a per-family basis, followed by the statement: “Synod 2003 said, ‘It is not good stewardship of finances or pastors to continue to support congregations of this size to which God does not give growth.’” But in a time of general prosperity and when synodical subsidies are dropping, and Covenant PRC anticipates no longer needing subsidy when their property sells in a few months, such a ground is no longer valid. And further, Synod 2006 cannot speak of a stewardship of pastors in the sense Synod 2003 did, because in 2003 there were a number of vacancies, but Synod 2006 declared two men to be candidates for the ministry when there was only one vacancy (and now the churches are full and there is one candidate).

In a related matter, Synod did not sustain the protest of Rev. M. Vander Wal to the same synodical decision and directed him to the above decision in connection with his concerns with those grounds.

Synod elected men for its various standing committees (Catechism Book Committee, Contact Committee, Domestic Missions Committee, Emeritus Committee, Foreign Mission Committee, Student Aid Committee, Theological School Committee, Finance Committee, and the Board of Trustees).

Synod completed its work at 5:00 p.m. Rev. Slopsema made fitting remarks and closed the meeting of synod in a prayer of thanksgiving to God for the evident peace and unity in the churches and the many signs of His blessings.

Synod will convene next year, the Lord willing, at Hope Protestant Reformed Church in Walker, MI, on June 10, 2008, at 8:30 a.m.

May the King of the Church bless the labors of the 2007 synod of the PRCA.

(Reports were prepared by the2nd clerk of Synod, Rev. Allen Brummel.)

(Extended Report of Rev. Rodney Kleyn to Trinity Congregation)

Geplaatst: 19 jun 2007, 16:50
door Zosinus

Did you particate yourself? I could nowhere find your name in the proceedings?

Geplaatst: 19 jun 2007, 18:20
door Bert Mulder
No, I was not a delegate at synod, and am not an office bearer at present.

I am solidly in Edmonton, while synod was in Michigan, in the USA.

That is why you don't see my name there.